How Does A Prenup Agreement Affect A Mortgage?

Feb 25, 2024

6-minute read


Two lawyers or real estate agents discussing some documents with a women.

Do you have a prenuptial agreement or plan to get one? Did you know that it can do more than just protect your assets like stocks and bonds and your prized 1969 Corvette? A prenup agreement can affect your mortgage as well.

Let’s look into prenup mortgage agreements and what you need to know before, during and after getting one.

What Is A Prenuptial Agreement?

A prenuptial agreement, also called a prenup, is a legal agreement that details spousal support and division of property if divorce or death occurs in the marriage.

Experts recommend that before you get married, you and your future spouse get a separate lawyer to help with the premarital agreement at least 6 months prior to the wedding ceremony. That way, a court will less likely question whether one of the parties entered into the agreement under duress or coercion in the future. It also gives both parties time to consider all aspects of the prenup.

A lawyer who specializes in divorce or family law can ensure that you meet you