For Home Buyers And Homeowners

Adjustable-Rate Mortgage (ARM)

If you plan to own your home for just a few years and want to pay down your principal faster, an ARM from Rocket Mortgage® could be right for you.
A smiling dark-haired woman rests her head on a brown-haired man's shoulder while they sit in front of their blue house.A smiling dark-haired woman rests her head on a brown-haired man's shoulder while they sit in front of their blue house.

A home loan that can save on interest during the first few years.

Low Introductory Interest Rate

Most ARMs start with a lower introductory interest rate that stays the same during a fixed-rate period.

Lower Monthly Payments

Lower introductory rates typically mean lower monthly payments during the fixed-rate period.

More Payments Against Principal

You can pay extra toward your mortgage’s principal balance to build equity faster.

Refinance Options

With an ARM, you have the option to refinance to a fixed-rate mortgage.
A joyful white man wearing a white shirt and tan jacket sits on the steps in front of his blue house.