Understanding Bird Dogs In Real Estate: What They Are And How To Become One

Mar 29, 2024

6-minute read


Modern woman in coat standing outside on a sunny day

You might compare a bird dog in real estate to a headhunter, or someone who finds people to fill the right positions at companies. You might even compare bird-dogging to its namesake, the hunting dog that flushes out birds so the hunter can catch them.

To get a better understanding of bird-dogging real estate, let’s look at its advantages and disadvantages and how to bird-dog your first real estate property.

What Is A Bird Dog In Real Estate?

In real estate, a bird dog is an individual who searches for underpriced and often distressed properties on behalf of real estate investors. A bird dog is paid in return when their lead results in a successful purchase.

Many people interested in bird-dogging are new to real estate investing and do not own an investment property of their own.

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