What Is A Real Estate Broker And What Do They Do?

Feb 2, 2024

7-minute read


An image representing a broker, potentially related to real estate or financial brokerage.

There’s a lot of jargon in the real estate industry, making many job titles far from self-explanatory for the casual outsider. For many people, real estate brokers are no exception. So what exactly do they do? Real estate brokers are licensed professionals who help people buy, sell and rent properties. They also hire and manage real estate agents.

We’ll explain how they do this in more detail, their qualifications and the critical role they play behind the scenes in real estate transactions.

What Is A Real Estate Broker?

Real estate brokers are highly qualified, licensed real estate professionals with in-depth knowledge of what it takes to buy, sell and rent property. They understand the objectives and concerns of all parties involved in real estate transactions, including lenders.

Real estate brokers typically begin their careers as licensed real estate agents. In many states, aspiring brokers must gain experience in the field before meeting additional education requirements to qualify for a broker’s license.

See What You Qualify For