Buying Property As A Student: Can You Get A Home Loan In College Or Graduate School?

Jul 19, 2024

10-minute read


A college student using a laptop, representing education loans.

College is a time for education and exploration. It can also be an expensive investment – and a big portion of that investment goes toward room and board.

For those who qualify, buying property as a student could allow you to save money on housing and potentially create an income stream for yourself after college. So, how do you buy a house as a college or graduate student?

Can You Buy A House As A Student?

If you’re in college or graduate school, it may take a minute to get used to the idea of being a potential real estate investor. But in reality, almost anyone who has the financial wherewithal can take out a mortgage to buy a home.

The one caveat is that you have to reach a certain age to buy a house in your state, called the age of majority. That’s usually 18, but some states have their own age requirements and rules about when you can legally sign binding financial instruments like a mortgage loan.

You also have to qualify financially. Students in college – including those further along in grad school – may face several hurdles that make qualification more difficult. However, mortgage qualification certainly isn’t impossible.

If you’re ready, you can start a mortgage application with Rocket Mortgage® for free to see what you qualify for.

See What You Qualify For