Best States To Retire In 2024

Mar 2, 2024

9-minute read


Miami Beach skyline, featuring buildings and the coastline.

Almost two-thirds of non-retired U.S. adults either feel that their retirement plan is not on track or they’re unsure of their retirement plan, according to the Federal Reserve. Considering the moving parts of retirement – where to live, having sufficient income, and maintaining good health, to name a few – uncertainty about retirement is no surprise.

However, creating a retirement plan is fundamental to a comfortable retirement. Understanding the best states to retire is a significant piece of the puzzle. Read on to get a better idea of where you’d like to retire based on your envisioned standard of living, the surrounding community, outdoor opportunities and more.

What Are The Best States To Retire In 2024?

We’ve compiled a list of the best states to retire in 2024 based on several criteria, such as tax policies and benefits, health care access and quality, cost of living, weather, quality of life and more.

When considering the aforementioned factors, here are the best states for retirees. While each has its strengths and weaknesses, they serve the needs of individuals and couples in retirement.

  1. Delaware
  2. Wyoming
  3. South Dakota
  4. Idaho
  5. Hawaii
  6. Utah
  7. Oregon
  8. Alabama
  9. Washington
  10. New Mexico

1. Delaware

Legislative building in Dover, Delaware.

Delaware is a popular destination for retirees, with around a fifth of its population being 65 years or older. Nicknamed the Diamond State, this East Coast jewel offers a host of benefits for retirees such as affordable housing, quality health care, and favorable tax policies.

With its gorgeous 25-mile coastline and beautiful beaches, Delaware attracts many retirees looking for a peaceful environment that’s also not too far from lively major cities such as New York City and Philadelphia.

  • 65+ population: 212,180
  • Income tax or retirement income tax: Yes
  • Health-related establishments per 10,000 residents: 32

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2. Wyoming

The Devil's Tower landmark in Wyoming, with sunset lit could in the sky beyond.

Wyoming is a wonder of the West filled with stunning natural landscapes and rich historic sites to explore. The Cowboy State is home to beloved attractions such as Yellowstone National Park and the iconic Old Faithful geyser.

This western gem is also one of the tax-friendliest states with a relatively low cost of living, making it a popular choice for retirees.

  • 65+ population: 107,988
  • Income tax or retirement income tax: No
  • Health-related establishments per 10,000 residents: 35

3. South Dakota

Sioux River running through a public park under a metal arch in South Dakota.

South Dakota is a midwestern marvel filled with benefits for retirees, such as premium health care services, outdoor attractions, an inviting community, and lower than national average cost of living.

  • 65+ population: 165,909
  • Income tax or retirement income tax: No
  • Health-related establishments per 10,000 residents: 28

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